Drone & Topo Surveys

Examples of drone and GPS survey work.

  • Housing Estate Volume Calcs

    We have provided many house building sites with the volume calculations they need. Stockpile volume quantities, cut and fill models, progress fly overs and final asbult 3d models. All of which have had a huge advantage to our clients

  • Muck Shifting

    Some of our clients have incredibly large working areas that simply don’t accommodate the traditional method of surveying with GPS or EDM’S. That’s why they opt for drone surveys so they can get the information they need quickly and safely.

  • Waste Management

    Drone surveys can provide an accurate way to access and quantify voids quickly and safely. Drone surveys can also provide very accurate as-built final topographical surveys, as well as access any changes in the landscape over time.

  • Pre-Build Surveys

    Topographical surveys for designers and architechs.

    Many of our clients haven’t even broken ground when we step onsite. Drone surveys are now a popular way to get original ground-level surveys for designers and architects to work to. We also provide traditional EDM and GPS topographical surveys to accompany our drone surveys.

  • 3D Site Models for Planning and QS's

    Imagine having a 3d model of your site that you can access all the time. That’s what we provide many of our customers, so they can safely adapt working procedures, plan walkways, set down areas as well as take-off measurements at any point in time without needing an engineer or CAD.

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Our clients